Thursday, 13 August 2009

20090812 mommy's thoughts

Since the last mommy's thoughts update, Kate had learnt the phrase 'I want..'

So now 'I want ball ball','I want sit down', etc...which makes me very happy until I hear 'I want dunwan!'. Oooopsss! :P

She also manage to cycle on her tricycle now on her own which is an accomplishment since it means that her leg muscles are now even stronger than before. :)


YEO Family said...

Well done kate :), Auntie Jane want to hug hug you :)

average Joan said...

thank you jane! :) all this might seems like nothing to a full term child, but to my premmie.. its achievements... :)

dymmandme said...

haha i wat dunwan that a funny one.

btw charlie still cannot cycle on tricycle. she just walk and push herself along. so that is impressive

average Joan said...

charlie's mommy, kate has her bicycle for many months liao... so she has been this bike is smaller than the one charlie has, i believe, so its easier for her to pedal.