Friday 4 December 2009

2009 Child Care year end concert

Today is a exciting  day for papa and mommy as it is Kate's year end concert.  Her last year end concert (under her playgroup then) ended in tears as she got frightened of the huge group of audience and break into tears and refuse to perform.

Busy as he is, papa rushed between 2 meetings so that he can see her perform. 

Before the performance started, papa and mommy went to the rooms where the children were.  Tried as they might, they cannot recognise Kate among the heavily-made-up children from outside the room! :P

Later, while waiting for the concert to start, papa saw some tables selling photos from the full dress rehearsal held a few days earlier.  He came back to mommy with excitement,saying that he saw a few shots of Kate, splendid in her costume.  Mommy went to check out the photos, and came back telling papa that the girl looks like Kate, but when did Kate never stand there and smile sweetly into a camera?

Below a scanned picture of the photo. It was confirmed to be her after she appeared on stage. :)

The show starting with a song by all the students.  Cannot find Kate among the kids. :P

Next, all the individual class is supposed to perform an item.

Her class is supposed to perform a Malay dance.  Here is a snapshot.  Kate was already pointing and swaying even before the music started.  See video below for proof.  She is sooo cute.... esp when she is so petite :P

Below is another video of the whole performance.  She is the kid is the rightmost side (your right, ie) with the peach costume.  Look how she is jumping up and down most of the time while her partner is more concerned about his nose or nails. The video is very shaky cos mommy keep laughing at her funny antics.

It could be because this time the audience are seated much further away, but this time round, she did not cry. Brave gal! :)

After the performance, we fetch her home, but not before taking some pictures in her cute costume.

Look at all her act-cute gestures she learnt from watching Taiwanese variety shows!

So all in all, she did put up a entertaining performance! :)


The Beauties In Our Lives said...

Kate looks sooooo pretty in her costume!

K said...

yeah! very pretty Kate! :)

kkf said...

where did the kids get the costumes? so nice! i had to borrow from my colleague lor

dymmandme said...

kate looks so pretty with the make up and hairdo.

average Joan said...

kkf, the costumes are customised for the kids (the parents pay loh ahhaha). Else how to find something that fits my petite gal? so coincidental that Dash is performing Malay dance too.

Next time I can lead it to you when Violet needs a Malay costume..ahahha