At night, Kate, papa and mommy went to Auntie Sim Theng's house to meet up with mommy's ex-colleagues-cum-friends...
The affectionate Gabriel who wants to hug and console every kid that cries...
Clive and Clare...
Cool pose!
Kate making herself at home ....
Clare and her yummy ang bao :)
the drummers...
sweet sweet zhiling...
her sweet sweet sister, yanting...
Ruien and Tongyu on a bike...
on sofa (from left) : Zhiling and mommy Chris, Slive and mommy Sim Theng, Ruien, Tongyu with mommy Kah Choo and daddy Guangling
standing (from left) : Kelly and Woonchuan, papa, Kate and mommy, Man Wai and Stacey, Yanting and daddy Ivan, Siew Young, mommy Hwee Kiang and Gabriel, Myra, daddy Teck Huat and Clare.
Missing : Daddy Nikolas who is busy with office phonecalls....
Kate looks super pro on her drums! Should put her for drumming classes!
ehehe..thanks.. but i shall spare my ear drums for the time being ... :P
though nowadays we drum on the pillows cos she want to imitate the lion dance she saw during CNY :P
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