Saturday 13 December 2008


Mommy joined the overseas spree to buy from a seller at the Etsy website for leg warmers, and tried all on Kate (5 pairs! and 1 more pair for 表妹) when they arrived.

Kate loves them too!


YEO Family said...

Kathleen, may i know what size of the leg warmers are you wearing :p ?

Aunty jane is keen to buy for siang too haha; i ever bought some leg warmers but its so tight, siang leg cannot fit.

average Joan said...

jane, this leg warmers are 34cm x 8 cm. but i am not sure if it is too tight for kate, cos she prefer to wear it on her hands than legs! :P Its toddler size on fategoddess' website btw. And I suspect Siang might be bigger size than kate...

OTOH she got another pair of babylegs bought locally (same width) that she is OK with....