Denise wonders : "Why mommy got such strange friends?"
Papa playing some games with Kate that have to do with exchanging the covers of the condiments containers....
first row : PH and mommy, Caelan (his mommy is hiding behind the wall) , Ryan and mommy
2nd row : JT and mommy, Denise and mommy
Missing : Ewan and parents who left early, Meg's mommy who is hiding, Isabelle and parents who had not yet arrived, Ace and parents who had not yet arrived, Kate and parents...
Answer on who ordered the udon bowl : Catherine ordered it, but she took Lilien's order by mistake as the waitress told her it was crab, so Lilien had to take the big udon bowl instead!
Wahhhh! Looks like fun! Sigh, did not go into forum, so didn't know about this outing, argh!!
didn't know u know ryan's mummy!
Beauties mommy..i din know that u din know! Wanted to inform u via msn but saw u r overseas so dunwana disturb u.... there is one coming up in early Nov so try to turn up with ur gals ok? :)
kkf, ehhehe..ryan is EDD Dec 06 his mommy is in the other thread too... first time we met! Everyone loves Ryan! :)
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