Saturday 11 October 2008

20081005 Hay Dairies Farm

Papa is not busy with his work so the whole family makes a trip to Hay Dairies for some goat-seeing...

The goats going back to their barn after being milked. The goats here will have milk after they gave birth to their kid (yes! kid is the word!) and the supply will last for 6 months. The goats will gave birth until about 10 years old before they started having problem (the men said "like women" alamat!). The old old goat will be sold to hospital and labs for research (argh!) and is not served on the table (those are sheep).

Goat's milk are supposedly alkaline like human's milk while cow's milk are acidic... so goat's milk is more suitable for humans...

Another batch of goats... see how 'full' are their ...mmmm..breasts?
The dual pump... mommy wonders why goats' pump does not need support to hold the pump to the goats' (mmmm) breasts (?) while human breasts pump are so ley chey :P

Going to barn 2 to look at more goats.... (ah yes, that is a man carrying his wife's bag :P)
escape from alcatraz.......
Kate : "hey mommy look! That goat is taller than you!"
Mommy : $#$(#%&*$%
Kate trying to escape with the box of fresh milk... the milk taste good (reminds mommy of HL) and got no goat smell.
Posing at a statue of goats....

Detour to recee Kranji Reservoir. There is nothing there to see except for the Johor buildings across the water.
Kate at home enjoying a taste of goat's milk. Wholesome goodness! :)

1 comment:

The Beauties In Our Lives said...

Looks like a fun place to go to!!!! Btw, Kate is so clever in her counting (from your previous post)!